Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Joplin, adjustable seatpost by crankbrothers

salah satu cara mencegah kram...pakai ini nih:
adjustable seatpost.....

salah satu penyebab kram adalah posisi ketinggian sadle yang tidak optimal (terlalu rendah atau terlalu tinggi) biasanya pada saat menemui turunan yang sedikit berbahaya, rekan bikers pasti berhenti sejenak untuk menurunkan ketinggian seatpost (posisi sadel), sudah hukum alam disetiap turunan pasti ada tanjakan, nah begitu ketemu tanjakan seharusnya rekan-2 biker berhenti kembali utk mengembalikan posisi seatpost (sadle) ke posisi yg sebenarnya,  namun hal ini jarang sekali dilakukan, alih-alih seharusnya berhenti , tapi karena nanggung malah genjot sekuat tenaga...akibatnya bisa ditebak......otot paha terasa kaku dan akhirnya mak tuengggggg.....kram deh...

kalau pakai joplin....
begitu lihat turunan tinggal pencet tombol ...mak sruuutttt sadle turun ke posisi terendah..
ketemu tanjakan lagi tinggal pencet tombol...mak srooottt sadle naik ke posisi optimal lagi...
keuntungan tambahan...kalau mau berhenti gak perlu repot nyari pancikan.....tinggal sruuuuuuttttt...

namun ada sedikt kekurangan produk ini dibanding pesaingnya (KS) yaitu ada sedikit pergerakan dibagian saddlenya (ke kiri dan kekanan, oglik kalau dalam bahasa jawa) walaupun kecil dan tidak terasa apabila dipakai gowes, kekurangan yang kedua adalah pada saat posisi tercompress tidak bisa menahan beban keatas, artinya kalau sadel kita angkat maka seatpost ikut memanjang tidak fix, berbeda dengan produk pesaingnya (KS).

berikut info dari produsennya

material aluminum
post length 382mm
weight 461g
adjustment range 75mm / 3in.
diameters available 30.9mm and 31.6mm
warranty 2 years
msrp $250 / €250

We like to have our seat position high enough that it's ideal for pedaling most of the time. The idea of a lower post used to be about absorbing shock, but since the bike is doing that, we want our legs to get as much efficiency as we can afford them. That desire goes out the window when we see a long 20% drop in front of us. Suddenly, it’s a good idea to get low. We're not going to sacrifice our seat position unless we absolutely have to and the Joplin allows us to have our regular position and a descending position as well.
Does the design look familiar? Actually, this design is licensed from Maverick, which has stopped producing the Speedball. And the clamp is licensed from Bontrager. Crank Brothers has taken over production, which means for now that the post is better looking (if you ask us) with nice shiny anodizing and accents that are define the Crank Brothers brand.
The Crank Brothers Joplin Seatpost is 382mm long. Both the inner and outer shafts are made from aluminum. The post adjusts 75mm (3-inches) once it is clamped in a seat clamp. The post adjusts via a lever attached to the saddle clamp sitting directly under the saddle. The seatpost clamp itself is infinitely adjustable for both fore-aft and tilt. The colors are black anodized shaft, gold anodized stanchion, orange threaded ring and seat clamp hardware. There is a two-year warranty with the post. The post can be converted to a remote release as well. The post comes in two diameters 30.9mm and 31.6mm. 461g.

source :

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